holistic therapy in new jersey

A Guide To Holistic Therapy In New Jersey: Caring For Your Body, Mind & Soul

Nothing is perhaps quite as central to our humanity as the simple truth that we are creatures reflective of the sum of our parts. We are each a whole, balanced within each of our selves- body, mind, and soul. In sickness and in health, it is to these three parts of our being that we must turn to for answers about what’s going on with us. 

Perhaps you’re new to thinking about yourself in these terms, or it might feel as natural as following the flow of breath throughout your body, but the truth is that the mind and body are intimately connected. And our spiritual health is just as important to our overall wellness. 

At Awakened Path, our philosophy differs from traditional therapy methods that fail to recognize this triad in its equal importance. We believe in expanding beyond what a certain diagnosis can tell us about what’s going on in a person’s life, and refuse to believe that medication is the only answer to the challenges a human being might face. When anyone facet of our being is disrupted, attention to and recalibration of the entire system is necessary, which is why holistic therapy that cares for your body, mind, and soul is essential to the process of healing. 

The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection in Holistic Therapy

Our body and mind, while separate entities, maintain a mutual influence over each other. This means our physical state and behaviors can impact our mental condition and vice versa; our minds can influence how healthy our bodies may or may not be. Tying it all together is the condition of our soul that reflects how deeply and authentically we are able to engage with our lives. 

For true healing, we also need to look to the scars our body carries with us from childhood, and from the “big T” and  “little t” trauma of everyday life. Those origins are an indelible part of our story, and they hold a valuable key in understanding what we, as a whole being, need from each of our parts.  

body and mind connection holistic therapyBody 

For many years we’ve thought about our bodies as vehicles for getting us from place to place. We consider them tools to engage with our physical existence, and rarely more. It’s only in more recent years have we’ve begun to recognize the importance of connecting our physical health to what’s going on for us as emotional beings as well. 

Again, we think about our physical health in terms of function: how often we move our bodies, what we feed them, and when we rest them. While those are true expressions of our physicality, we’re missing the reason why these practices matter and what they protect us from.   

Instances of chronic pain, dealing with a medical diagnosis, or a sedentary lifestyle can all result in anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges. Even as you work to cope with these symptoms, there can be a greater drive to use substances, behaviors, or other people to numb ourselves to these feelings, and thus, the cycle continues. Our emotional state impacts our physical body, exacerbating symptoms until they become issues of their very own that make it difficult to trace back the origin to this critical connection. 



In healing, if your body offers you an avenue to establish protective factors (healthy nutrition, exercise, etc.) and operate as stress management, it is your mind that offers relief. It has the power to relieve you of the guilt, anxiety, fear, and relentless buzzing brought on by challenges in self-esteem, maintaining meaningful relationships, and finding that ever-elusive sense of balance

The challenge to accessing that relief is often found in engaging the parts of your mind capable of moving through those emotions by applying other experiences or specialized tools to process what happens to us as we move through the world. We come equipped with the capability, but not always the tools, and this disconnect can be exacerbated by the ways we exhaust ourselves trying. 

Working with a holistic therapist from Awakened Path, you will have the opportunity to tailor the way your mind perceives and processes the world within and around you. You will gain the ability to conquer what stands between your emotions and relief so that you can experience the world and the way you think about the challenges in your life, both in the moment and long term, with your whole self. 

Soulsoul searching with holistic therapy

Contrary to popular belief, having a spiritual sense of self doesn’t require involvement in organized religion, just respect for oneself, others, and the world that surrounds you. Spirituality and the condition of the soul is much more than whether or not someone is religious or at practicing at any altar of worship no matter the recipient. Spirituality means accepting that life has purpose and meaning. 

There are a few keys to learning to love yourself but the first is putting an emphasis on valuing yourself. That doesn’t just mean ensuring you have the things you require to survive, but also that you have the tools to reach for a space where you can thrive. 


Caring for Your Whole Self Through Holistic Therapy

When we approach our care holistically, we can find the overlap in how we care for our bodies and minds. It may not hold the cure for all things, but we will certainly find answers at those intersections which we can use to bring physical elements into the care of our mind and vice versa. 

Today we’ve learned to look to our bodies as a source of information and as a potential avenue for healing to support the work of our mind and soul. In holistic therapy with your clinician from Awakened Path, checking into the ways you care for your whole self will be an important route to take on the road to healing. 

Our selves are a well-oiled machine when we take the time to care for each part in turn. Listening to the needs of your self- body, mind and spirit- will allow you to reserve your energy for the things that serve you while releasing those that don’t.

With the support of an Awakened Path therapist whose expertise is holistic healing, we can get you there together. Contact us today to get started!

Awakened Path Counseling proudly provides quality transpersonal and traditional psychotherapy, at their offices in Middlesex County, New Jersey, and online. Their experienced therapists specialize in serving children, teens and adults. The experienced clinicians at Awakened Path Counseling are passionate about their holistic approach to mental health, addressing your emotional, cognitive, physical, and spiritual needs.

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